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Overcome driving test nerves

While Driving Tests can be nerve wracking experiences there are things that you can do to make things easier for yourself in the run up to your Driving Test, which will make the whole process a more calming experience.

Prepare Fully:

Make sure that you have few mock tests with your Driving Instructor, and that you’re passing them consistently, before applying to take a test, focus on the areas of your driving that are your weakest, so that you’re confidence in demonstrating them to an examiner grows.

Rescue remedy the medication:  

It might be worth asking your pharmacist what the benefits are to taking rescue remedy, as these are known to calm the nerves before a big event, many have used the rescue remedy called “BACH” drops and it has worked well for them, but a good night’s rest the evening before the test is vital. 

Read our clients reviews and see how they overcome their driving test nerves

Booking test, take the first slot:

The later in the day that you take your driving test the more likely you are to work yourself into a frenzy beforehand, so maybe it will be best taking your test early so that you can get it out of the way.

Keep it a secret:

The more people that know about you’re driving test the more pressure it adds, people that know you have been learning to drive will regularly quiz you about when your test is, don’t feel obligated to tell them! Let them know when you’ve passed it.

Think about the timing:

A lot of people make the mistake of learning to drive and taking their Driving Test at the wrong time, think about your current situation before taking driving lessons and booking a driving test, are you expecting a baby? Are you in the middle of your exams? any kind of additional pressure can have an impact on you learning to drive or passing your test.

Book the right test centre:

Driving test’s are not just about learning test routes, in order to gain your full licence you should be able to drive on any road safely, but it is important that you pick a test centre that is easy for you to get to, you don’t want to be stressing out about having to travel a long distance and being late.

Don’t expect perfection:

Your driving examiner isn’t expecting you to be perfect, so neither should you. You can only do your best, and if you’ve prepared properly and had plenty of hours and worked on your weakest areas with your driving instructor you should be fine.

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