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10 hours Driving Intensive Course

The list of items we cover during the selected Intensive driving courses
42 hours course
34 hours course
26 hours course
20 hours course
16 hours course
10 hours course
Beginners Intensive courses - The driving Instructor will provide step by step learning guide for you to undertsand and practice, 42 hourse course Ideal for someone with no driving experience or 34 hours some with about 15 hours driving exerience
1. Cockpit drill (DSSSM) and use of car controls
2. Moving off and drive straight line using (POM)
3. Stop/ pull up on the left side of the road using (MSM)
4. Junctions turning left - from main road to side road
5. Junctions turning right - from main road to side road
6. Emerging T junctions turning left / right
7. Approaching junctions using MSPSL routines
8. Crossroads junctions - emerging left / right / straight
9. Crossroads junctions - Turning right (possible box junction)
10. Roundabout junctions
Partly trained Intensive courses - If you can do the items listed between 1 - 10 above at a good level these item will not be covered with full guided help on 26 or 20 hours course
11. Pedestrian crossing - dealing with other road users
12. Meeting traffic in narrow roads allow adequate clearance
13. Use of signal - correctly, in good time and when necessary
14. Good and effective use of mirrors when driving
15. Multi lane complex roundabout junctions
16. Hesitency - dealing with busy junctions, making decisions
17. Reverse parallel parking
18. Driving on rurul roads (possibliy up to 60mph)
19. driving on dual carriage way (possible up to 70mph)
20. Reverse and drive forward bay parking
Fully trained level Intensive courses - You need have very good skills set for items 1 - 20 no full guided help will be provided for the 10 or 16 hours course on items 1 - 20 above
21. Inspire, build confidence and over come nerve
22. Understanding and obeying signs and road markings
23. Driving Independently following traffic signs
24. Driving Independently using satnav
25. Correcting dangerous and serious driving faults
26. Recap and rectify all driving fauts in junctions
27. Awareness and planning for other road users
28. Fine tune car controls driving eco friendly
29. How to do emergency stop
30. Recap all reverse manovoures
31. Show me / tell me safety check questions
32. Mock tests (optional)
Read full list what we cover during the 10 hours Intensive course Read less

To do 10 hours course, you need to be fully trained driver and can drive without any help or intervention from the driving instructor

  1. We cover 7 out of 32 key items during the 10 hours Intensive course (click here) to see the full list 
  2. You have driven independently without help in busy traffic conditions on all types of roads
  3. Able to deal with various types of junctions like crossroads and roundabouts with multiple lanes and road marking with confidence.
  4. Able to drive independently using satnav or road signs
  5. Should be able to have good control of the vehicle to carry out all the reverse manoeuvres with 90% accuracy
  6. You must agree to the Terms and conditions

Please note:

If you do not meet all the key skills listed in 1 – 25 then this 10 hours Intensive driving course may not be suitable for you and your driving test will not go ahead

10 hours course

Off-peak (mon - Fri 8am - 5pm)
£ 590
  • Starting course in 2 - 8 weeks
  • Completing the course in 3 - 5 days with driving test
  • Manual or automatic car

10 peak hours course

Peak hours (evenings & weekends)
£ 660
  • Contact us for availability
  • Completing the course in 3 - 5 days with driving test
  • Manual or automatic car

Sophie passed with 10 hours Intensive course and wrote this review…..

“I’m so happy I passed my driving test, and it’s all thanks to Driving Solution and their excellent methods and ways of teaching. I did a 10 hour intensive course. I started the intensive course on the Monday had my test on the Thursday and passed. I recommend Driving Solution to anyone whose interested in wanting to pass there test.”

Click and read more reviews  from other successful clients ……….

William passed with 10 hours Intensive Course and wrote this review ……..

“Thank you so much Driving Solution, I started driving on the Monday and was passed by the Wednesday on a 10 hour intensive, Habib made me feel really comfortable behind the wheel and I passed with 1 minor, I will be getting my girlfriend some lessons with Driving Solution highly recommended”

Click and read more reviews from other successful clients….

Hannah passed with 10 hours Intensive Course this is Hanna’s review..(click to read more reviews..)

“I did a 10 hour intensive course over 1 week. Habib was my driving instructor and was great. I couldn’t have asked for a better instructor. He helped me build up my confidence and I passed my test. I would recommend driving solutions to anyone that wants to pass their test. Thank you so much Driving Solution.”

Click and read more reviews from other successful clients……

Do you meet the key skills for the course?

Please read our key skills to see if this is the right Intensive course for you. 

If you choose fewer hours than you need and fail to reach the driving test standards by the end of the course, we reserve the right to refuse you to take the driving test. 

If you choose more hours, If you do not use all the hours, we can refund the unused hours.

We cannot add more hours once the course starts, as the instructor may not have availability.